Syntax Design System
Since January 2023, I've been leading the design direction of the Syntax Design System, a private and specialized system for the localization industry.
- Goal
- Initially: Rebrand 2 companies into a single one (Memsource acquired Phrase in mid-2022). Later: unify 5+ different products into a single platform — pricing strategy shifted from product-access to volume-based monetization.
- Opportunity
- Serve customers a consistent product language and reduce design and tech debt.
- Problem
- Team coming from historically different companies have different ways of working and tech stack.
- ChatGPT
- LLM and MT are disrupting the slow-moving, decades-old localization industry.
Key Highlights
- Team: dedicated team of 6 people: 3 designers (team lead, system designer, content designer) and 3 engineers (lead and 2 UI developers)
- Impact: shaping design language of 11 designers, 20+ teams, 5+ products
- Technology: built on Vue and Typescript, distributed through npm. Components tested and localized
- Libraries: multiple Figma libraries: Tokens, Components, Icons, Illustrations and Templates
- Guidelines: including usage guidelines, Content design, a11y, interaction patterns, data visualization
The design system embraces the atomic design metaphor and leverages composability. Syntax ships atomic elements like button and text input, but also bigger organisms like table and dropdowns.
Syntax design system doesn't ship just components, but also high level interaction patterns. This helps ensuring a consistent design languages across products in our platform.
From my own mistakes, I learned that unclear documentation hinders design system adoption. To address this, I actively maintain a dedicated design system documentation website that collects resources such as Figma components, changelog, content guidelines, and demos.The documentation website is available for internal use only, can't share the link, sorry :(
Stakeholder Management
As a design system designer, a big part of my job is helping people stay updated with our ever-evolving design system. This involves sharing updates and meeting people where they are:
- regular sync updates: showoff and Q&A sessions — separate sessions for designer and developers
- regular async updates: announcements for minor releases once every two weeks; major releases every quarter
- ad-hoc communications: noteworthy updates shared via Slack
- tracking customer satisfaction: bi-annual satisfaction surveys and monthly adoption metrics
- Collecting feedback from a non-engaged audience
- Adjusting strategy when resources & priorities are constantly shifting
- Balancing components discoverability / capabilities
- Shipping localization-proof components
What I learned
- Share early, share often
- Optimize for review
- Ask developers
- Have fun!